Suwannee County Historical Museum
208 Ohio Ave. N, Live Oak, FL 32064 ● 386.362.1776
The Suwannee County Historical Commission is pleased to be able to offer the renting of the loading dock of the Atlantic Coastline Freight Depot for both public and private functions.
Please pay with cashier’s check, money order, cash, or personal check (personal checks from local approved patrons only). The rental fee for the dock is $250.00 which includes a $50 refundable deposit. Facility is not available on a reserved basis. Rental must be paid in full prior to commitment of facility use. If the dock and equipment are left clean and in good condition, and the terms of this agreement are adhered to, the $50 deposit will be refunded. Your dock rental covers up to a 24-hour period beginning at 12:01 am and ending at 11:59 pm.
If the keys are not returned to the Masterlock box by the end of your event date, the $50 deposit will revert to the Suwannee County Historical Commission & Museum. IF YOUR CHECK IS RETURNED, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY IN CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK, OR MONEY ORDER BEFORE YOUR EVENT WILL BE SCHEDULED.
- Unisex, handicapped accessible restroom
- Double sink with hot and cold water
- Refrigerator with freezer
- Microwave
- Overhead lights and fans
- Electrical outlets
- Tables 13 (6 ft. banquet)
- 99 chairs
There are no facilities for cooking. If you wish to warm prepared food, you may use the microwave provided. Grills may be used in the parking lot area only, away from the eves of the building. Grills must be attended at all times. The key may be picked up from the Dock Rental Key Box on the day of your event, using the following code ______________. The Dock Rental Key Box code will be changed between renters. The Dock Rental Key Box is located next to the door, on the dock.
Responsibilities of the Renter:
1. Candles and open flames [including propane tanks] are prohibited on the dock.
2. Drilling or Nailing on the dock is prohibited.
3. Children shall be under adult supervision at all times. Youth under the age of 18 must have adult chaperones.
4. Animals are prohibited on the dock with the exception of registered service animals.
5. No one is allowed in the Museum galleries unless Museum personnel are present.
6. Use of drugs, alcohol, or smoking of any kind is prohibited on the premises.
7. Use of bounce houses or other related equipment is prohibited.
8. Security cameras or line of sight are not to be blocked or covered.
9. Renter is responsible for paper goods such as paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags, etc.
10. The flag pole is not for renter’s use and is not a part of this rental agreement.
11. The areas south of the museum walkway, and the east side of the dock, are not for renter’s use and are not a part of this rental agreement.
12. The wooden ramp on the eastside of the dock is locked and renter’s use is prohibited.
When Finished:
1. Tables and chairs should be cleaned and neatly stacked in their designated areas. Avoid putting tables, or chairs, in the hallway.
2. Make sure all food has been removed from the refrigerator and microwave.
3. Check the restroom to be sure the toilet is flushed, trash is removed, and water and lights are turned off.
4. Check the outside areas around the dock and in the shrubbery for trash.
5. All trash and scraps should be bagged and carried off the premises.
6. Turn off all lights, air conditioning and/or heating, close and lock both doors.
7. Turn off all power in the switch box.
8. Return the keys [dock door and switch box] to the Masterlock Key Box, using the same code provided above. Please scramble the code upon return.
9. Facilities will be inspected and the deposit will be returned, provided the above terms have been met.
WAIVER: By signing this Waiver, I assume all risk of all individuals and/or myself participating in the above event (hereinafter “activity”). Without signing this form, neither myself nor the individuals will be able to participate in the activity. I acknowledge that the above activity may pose some risk of personal injury and that I undertake and assume this risk for myself and other individuals involved. I certify that I have read this document, and I fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release and indemnification of liability for myself and other individuals involved in this activity, and I sign it of my own free will.
Failure to adhere to this agreement can result in permanent banning of future rentals.
Required Information on the Rental Form:
- Name of the responsible person
- Phone
- Address
- Renter’s Full Signature
Updated – 05/18/2024